
New Year's Resolutions

The dreaded resolution business comes far too quickly each year. Usually, it's the same old blanket statement for me, "I don't make them because I never keep them." Well, I promise you that I had fully intended to take my usual easy way out this year as well. That is, until I read a blog I follow from Kathy Nicholls over at MT Tools Online. I adore her because every blog post is more enlightening than the next although sometimes, I must say, she wears me down. I haven't the slightest clue where she gets all of her energy or the time to do all that she does. She is an inspiring force & I'm so grateful our paths crossed.

So, back to the focus of my post - In reading Kathy's "Planning for 2012" post, which is a yearly post where she picks her three words to define her upcoming year.  She mentions another blogger, Fitarella (read all about her here), who talks about her plan to do "12 in 12".

This idea really resonated with me. To commit to one thing the whole year is just too great a commitment. Just pick one thing to do (or not do) for one month, every day. Stick to it each day. The great part is the next month you can pick something different. You may choose to continue or drop from the previous month. This is perfect for someone like me!

I went ahead and got the whole family involved. It began with everyone telling each other what we think our family members should "work on," but in the end, it was an individual choice. It has been a bonding experience, and the first couple days, we had fun calling each other out on our mistakes, lol.

My January (got a late start) resolution is to remove all vulgarities from my vocabulary. Yes, I'm a truck driver. As a businesswoman and easily put this part of me on a shelf, tuck it away. The fact is that there's no need for vulgarities really. It's simply a replacement for unidentified feelings. The self-awareness is empowering. I have never been so aware and "in the moment." Who knew such a small change could have such a huge impact on all the areas of my life. When time is precious and days are filled with hustle and bustle, it's disturbingly easy to lose sight of one's self and the self-care (mental/emotional) that comes with becoming a better person on a daily basis.

My three words for this year are self-awareness, focus and follow-through. This is the first year in quite a long time that I have felt promise in the year ahead. At the same time, I also have never felt less pressure to be the best I can be. I haven't a clue what next month will bring, but I do know that I will be peeling away the layers, becoming a more well-rounded woman. Such a breath of fresh air!

What are your resolutions for the new year?


The Media Mix with Linda Yarbrough said...

Followed your link from Fitarella's blog. Appreciate your comments. Do you realize how huge self-awareness, focus and follow-through are? You are off to a great new year. I really like the line "peeling away the layers, becoming a more well-rounded woman". I've gotten on the 12 in 12 train also. I also like the flexibility it offers. Here's to a great 2012.

Just My Type Transcription said...

Thank you, Linda, for your comments! The baby steps approach has always worked well for me. Best wishes to you in our best year yet, 2012!

Kathy Nicholls said...

Thanks for your kind words, they are much appreciated. I love your three words and think the Fitarella approach is a great one. I look forward to following your journey! - Kathy Nicholls

Fitarella said...

YAAAY!! I LOVE that your whole family is involved and doing their own thing. That is SO cool! and I busted out laughing, because I have a super potty mouth, I probably need to do this one at some point too :) Welcome to #12in12 and be sure to keep me posted on your progress. I'm using the hashtag #12in12 on twitter and I created a community in Google plus https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/112674442385825750814/ :) Happy Weekending! (without the cussing!!)

Just My Type Transcription said...

Not sure why Blogger is not letting me reply to each of you but oh well.

THANK you BOTH, Kathy and Fitarella, for reading! I'm still goin' strong (and the family is literally stunned) and lovin' it.

I have followed the Google Plus group (and you on Twitter). Thanks for linking that and for mentioning the hash tag.

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