
MT Prayer

This is an MT prayer that was sent to me by a friend. Medical transcriptionists take their job quite seriously!

Dear Lord,

Bless the work of my hands and may it glorify You.

In all that I do, help me to remember that a patient's life may depend on the quality of my work. Keep me alert to discrepancies and inconsistencies, and help me to concentrate.

Give me compassion, Lord, and never let me see the report I'm typing as a case or a number.

But let me remember the patient - a living human being who may be experiencing pain, fear, and uncertainty. May the patient feel Your healing touch and be comforted by Your Spirit instead.

Bless the doctor, as well, and may he be filled with Your Wisdom and Your Compassion as he cares for his patients. 

And let me remember tolerance for the physician whose dictation slips may be due to fatigue or some great concern of which I'm not aware. Let me remember that he is human, too, and deserves the same amount of patience I would like shown to me.

Finally, let me always remember that You are the Great Healer, the Source of all Comfort and Joy.

May I acknowledge You in all I do and reflect Your Love to all whom I meet.


By Ellen Drake (considered public domain)

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